HSA Formulas

HSA formulas

This control element is activated only if there is a Pointer or a Movable scale in the chart.

This block allows you to set the Chart Pointer (or Movable Scale) to a point with the coordinate calculated by the formulas presented. The "/" icon means a half-sum. The "//" icon means a double-half-sum.

These formulas can be initiated in the following way. In order to change the object in the formula, click the left mouse button on the corresponding cell. Select an object from the list that appears. We do the same with the choice of the dial from where the object should come from.

The desired formula is activated in the leftmost column.

When the "Link dials" button is pressed, changing the dial number on one of the columns will automatically change the dial number on the others.

Objects in formulas can be swapped by dragging them from one column to another, while holding Ctrl.